Networking our Black Dots

Networking our Black Dots

Announcing the launch

Announcing the launch of 3D-Play; an entry point into the immersive Cooperative Learner’s Network of Alkebulan Network-State; AlkebulanMeta.

EcoSysMAAT, the Creative Force and Intelligence Unit behind AlkebulanMeta, is inviting individuals and collectives with active interests in any one of 8 key fields of science, technology, engineering and, or maths [STEM] to participate in a first-of-its-kind, uniquely interactive show in our emergent immersive space, AlkebulanMeta 3D-Play.

Ones are invited to an evening of creative storytelling that unifies science and the arts, from an African place of being.

Reserve ahead the date of the 19th of August 2024 to gather at The Old Baobab.
Expect to experience a Science-Futures (Sci-Fu) story that will raise consciousness and focus One's attention upon a new kind of learning support portal.

AlkebulanMeta is on a quest to identify panAfrica, 81 everyday young Minds, to introduce to this unique space in which to profoundly advance their STEM related learning.

This first shoutout is addressed to our entire global network, seeking now those with the keenest sense in heart and mind of the historic significance of such a Gathering. Any Futurists and Forecasters in our number will perceive the precious materials in this emerging Movement and will know that this is the story of how all great networks start.

You are invited

EcoSysMAAT, the Creative Force and Intelligence Unit behind AlkebulanMeta, is inviting individuals and collectives with active interests in any one of 8 key fields of science, technology, engineering and, or maths [STEM] to participate in a first of its kind, interactive show, due to happen in our emergent immersive space, AlkebulanMeta 3D-Play. Ones are invited to an evening of creative storytelling that unifies science and the arts, from an African place of being.

AlkebulanMeta is on a pre-launch beta-testing quest to identify panAfrica, 81 everyday young Minds, to introduce to this unique space in which to profoundly advance for them, their STEM-learning interests.

The Quest for the 81 Black Dots

These first 81 will, in the majority, be indigenes of Continental Africa and, or people of African heritage from within the global African Diaspora, who self-identify as having a meaningful interest in STEM.

Our initial interaction is designed to create great impact, inspiring a shift of networking focus and power to the learner, with this shift, a new sense of profoundly empowering possibilities, integrated with all the advantages of a supported, high-quality learning environment, built for them on web3.

On offer is a unique opportunity to participate in advancing past beta (testing) a groundbreaking, quite visionary thought experiment in STEM-focused cooperative learning.

An exceptional seed.

Gathering at The Old Baobab Tree


Inside-the-Old-Baobab-Tree-of-Alkebulan - promoClip for The Gatherings (every lunar node)

The Gathering at The Old Baobab Tree is scheduled to coincide with the start of the coming New Moon cycle. It promises to be a wonderful experience in immersive learning and social networking as well as an introduction, or to be completely precise, a "portal of entry" into a space reserved for high-quality engagements in STEM, from "an African place of Being".

The manifestation of this space has been made possible by advancements in the next generation of technologies which are revolutionising the internet, commonly referred to as web3 decentralisation and crypto blockchain.

The AlkebulanMeta platform represents something that has become rare and extremely difficult to experience at the end of the “bish-bash-bosh-va-va-va-voom-snatch-bang-bang, etc.” era, namely, that rare existential thing - an oasis of peace and calm called a space to think... a space to dream, to contemplate, to find solace without the pressures of modern economic time, (because the Mind is experienced to be outside of Time, focused in pleasurable absorption of flow)... and within this magical space, the tools to aid inspiration and the manifestation of much-needed Change; transformation.

AlkebulanMeta exists, if you will, as a “Parallel Reality” that offers a relatively immediate and affordable exit from the ever-present and increasingly obnoxious encroachments of Modernity. To get there all that is needed as the minimum kit is access to the internet and or a smartphone or some other suitable alternative computer device. The space is eXtended Reality-ready, so if you have a VR headset then you'll feel the flow of free flight even more intently. Beyond that, acquire an OnWeb3-Passport (NFT) and take your character development far beyond even the virtual stratosphere.

For those who do not have the means to go on a learning retreat to a tropical paradise in order to think “outside-of-the-box” (or “cage”, if you please), AlkebulanMeta offers a new kind of “territorial" "citizenship”, and eXtended Reality, with professionally supported progression paths:

1) To uniquely learn, play, network and ultimately to bring into Realization great STEM projects and ventures within the context of AlkebulanMeta's Unifiedknowledge pedagogical approach to education:

2) To enjoy Hashima. Self-respect at the deepest levels

3) To escape the continuous noise of “social media”, with its relentless current of distractions. AlkebulanMeta is an alternative space to be enjoyed by all citizens. It is a token-gated sanctuary, a space to grow insight, where freedom is never compromised. Indeed, there is great satisfaction from entering into deep states of sustained “Flow”. 

A Quiet Revolution in STEM Learning?

AlkebulanMeta platform is bringing to the fore opportunities to revolutionise STEM engagement (learning, teaching, working & building) panAfrica- all made possible through innovative uses of web3 (and web2) apps. The commitment is to sufficiently decentralise power into the hands of the Learnerships, Network-wide.

One can become acquainted with AlkebulanMeta’s Mission to restore proper respect for indigenous ancestral lands, culture, knowledge and practices. Deeply embedded within this Mission is a commitment to bring forward the instruments of repair and restoration, essential for there to exist proper Hashima (respect) for traditional, indigenous, and cultural practices and knowledge.

Indeed, Respect (Hashima) is due to all traditional knowledge development principles, processes and practices that rebuff, once again, a current legacy of externally imposed undermining put-downs to authentic African self-identity). You see these traditional Ways seek out clarity and Truth (Maat), and ultimately, perpetually educe new value from older insights (and orders). Interpreted through the lens and language of STEM, respect is due to what these Ways ("traditions") mean to Africans, to Africa and to Huemanity as a whole.

To this end, AlkebulanMeta is also a manifestation of a total commitment to securing high-quality learning experiences and provably excellent STEM learning accreditations.

The ultimate outcome of this process of Re-evaluation must be a Repaired Confidence in Indigenous principles, processes and protocols of learning and self-realisation. Giving healthier ways of engaging people in learning relationships internal to themselves and with each other in appreci-Love of Nature; the Natural, Physical World. The manifold challenges faced by Hue-manity at the end of this "Modern" era can be addressed equitably and with Justice (Maat), we know this.

There will be many derived benefits from future-proofing into preparedness, future generations of Africans who will be the beneficiaries of these whole sum intelligent engagements. These are the same future generations who will take Africa forward to sit in her rightful place amongst the Peoples of Mankind. Our quest to nurture the Earth's forgotten seeds is a pre-requisite Must for accomplishing the long-sought advancement of communal equity for the entire Hueman Family.

You see there is a special mission now in play, read The Alkebulan Mission Statement here:

In short, if our pre-amble has inspired you, then prepare to be involved!

The platform works to simulate your STEM interests and attitudes, so prepare to actively engage with the creative immersive space of AlkebulanMeta 3D-Play; immersed in a new flow, in the beloved space of secure peaceful insight.

Here is fertile, a womb of many matrices bringing forth a new type of seed, ready for insemination from the kind Consciousness, necessary to bring forward re-alignment and healing from within Africa; African heritage peoples and thereby, heal the World.

AlkebulanMeta is Self-orientating to Be the perfect Para-Reality, that exists alongside the physical Earth world, as an extension of Mind-space. There are now entry portals into Alkebulan via 3D play and purchasable Citizenship.

It is a space into which Citizens are born and are systematically equipped with the tools to receive STEM insights and peer support, from an African place of Being. Welcome. All are Well Come.

Africa’s Regression in STEM

There has in recent decades been a growth in awareness of evidence of Africa and Africans' contributions to STEM that have not only helped to shape the world of today but also represent landmarks in their contribution to world history going back millennia.

(For interesting and accessible further reading on the contribution of African peoples to STEM please refer to the following titles:

  • Blacks and Science Volumes 1-3 by Robin Walker
  • Black Scientist and Inventors books 1-8 by Michael Williams

Whilst this emerging evidence has been helpful in adjusting the scales a little in terms of Respect and recognition, in practice, on a day-to-day level of existence, the knowledge does not sit comfortably with the unspoken reality, that Africa, the Continent of Founders and of Great Firsts, has little of note happening concerning advancements in STEM outside of the cultural activities of non-African peoples.

In the popular imagination, the global mind to a great extent, sees that Africa is still quite literally in the dark.

The other unspoken perception of “True Fact” is that science was introduced to the world by Europeans. Therefore, “science” is the cultural property, under the control of “white people”. By extension of the logic, “science” is therefore rightfully defined by and codified according to the cultural values and practices of European Peoples.

Certainly, such "facts", even when tested and soundly broken do little to make STEM sit properly in the imagination of young African heritage people as being, something that can express or affirm anything to do with the true Self of the learner.

As with any perceived popular “Fact”, perception or belief, the only way to affirm or to amend it, is through manifesting a “Black Swan”... and not just one, but 81 of them in this first instance...

But why this persistent reference to 81?

What is the significance of this particular number?

To discover more about the significance of the 81, please listen to the epic Story of Beginnings of our parallel Reality, Alkebulan, the land at the centre of AlkebulanMeta and Network. Listen to our STEM edutaining story “Abit and the Web of Freedom”, written by Astehmari Batekun and wonderfully narrated by Oma. It is suitable listening for people of all ages: 

Storytime @ AlkebulanMeta
Where the story really starts.

Here’s a fact that’s certainly hard to falsify: There are some ongoing big obstacles to STEM inclusion in Africa.

These include:

Legacies of post-colonial, Eurocentric educational systems and pedagogical approaches force Africans to think in ways beneficial to serve and to solve the problems of others, rather than the problems engulfing Self. Thus functioning to create an inauthentic Self, uncomfortable with Self… impaired and sometimes broken.

Legacies of inequitable access to resources and basic infrastructure: In fact, the challenges to accessing even a basic education seem to vastly outweigh the ability of Africa’s governments and people to provide it.

In other words, Africa presents as a permanent outlier with respect to STEM-related matters. As such, Regression in statistical terms, is good for Africa.

Africa needs to experience a shift of resources towards a more equitable redistribution of benefits that will enable Africans and Africa to advance its own contributions to STEM and ultimately address the challenges facing the Continent and her Peoples.

Cue the entry of the Black Dot... and its rebirth.

The Rebirth of the Black Dot


Networking our Black Dots

The full meaning and significance of the Black Dot will be unveiled as we gather at The Old Baobab Tree. Come, gather, relax and play Intelligently. Experience a new Unifiedknowledge of STEM plus the Arts.